Wednesday, September 3, 2008

first overnight trip!

Our little girl just turned 7 weeks old already! We spent her birthday in Kansas City... Her first overnight trip!!! It was our annual Labor Day Student Leader Retreat and Ellie was in on all the action! We didn't have to worry about her not getting any attention. :) The students were so sweet to want to hold her and ooo and ah over her... She's become our little mascot. :) It was a great "trial run" away from home. The biggest thing I'm going to have to get used to is all the STUFF it takes to take a baby away overnight! Whew!

1 comment:

Becky Bartlett said...

Nice work!! An overnight outing already is impressive! It does take a lot of 'stuff' doesn't it? What did they do in the olden days?? Did they have pack-n-plays, boppies, play mats, and bottle warmers??