Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ellie is 23 months!

Aaaaah! That's right! Ellie is 23 months old!!! How did this happen? My "baby" is now a little girl... She gets more fun by the day and you can't help but LOVE this little personality!
As you can see...we have a very smiley toddler. She is a very happy girl and is at her most fun stage yet... She is also quite a bit of work these days as she tests boundaries, exerts her independence and has more energy than 10 college students combined! :)

Here are some other fun facts about our almost 2 year old!
*After spending almost 2 weeks with her Grandparents in Kentucky after Alexa was born, she has developed quite the southern accent! She now pronounces down with two syllables, and says "baby" with quite the southern drawl! It's pretty cute.
* She is in LOVE with her new baby sister (if you hadn't caught on to that in previous posts!) and wants to be with her every second of the day. No jealousy here...just more love than the baby can handle! :)
* She's become obsessed with brushing her teeth!
*Puzzles are one of her new loves.
*She is starting to sing lots of songs... Two of her favorites are twinkle twinkle little star and "No One" off of the Chipmunks the Squeakuel CD. We've heard that CD about a zillion times!
*Nana J is teaching her her address and how to spell "HOT" and "COLD". A little speller already at less than 2 years old. Today I heard her practicing her numbers in spanish! Thank goodness for a Grandma who was a kindergarten teacher for 30 years! :)
The list goes on, but those are a few of the highlights...
Loving life with our two girls!

1 comment:

jamie said...

so fun! thanks for the birth announcement! just wait til she can talk in paragraphs.. like around age 3 and 4! my favorite age yet!