Sunday, November 8, 2009

A few more fun pics...

a beautiful Sunday afternoon playing at the park!
If I were just a LITTLE bit taller!

I love to read...or at least turn the pages of my book!

my favorite pasttime - getting into things! Here I have just gotten into a bunch of Mommy's gum from her purse.

Our friend Heath was over and I decided to try his shoes on... :)

Enjoying some Sonic Happy Hour at the park with Dad and Mom!

"Helping" Daddy
I LOVE lights and especially when it's the buttons on an elevator! Mommy says to disregard how gross this wall looks. :)
As you can see...I am keeping very busy these days having so much fun!

1 comment:

janet said...

Oh my goodness, Jen! I can't believe how big Ellie has gotten! She's so cute--I love the ponytail! :) How are you guys??? Hope you're doing well!