First, a 15 month Alexa update! Took her in for her 15 month appt today and here are her stats!
Weight: 21 lbs. 4 oz - 20th percentile
Height - 30.5 inches - 50th percentile
Head circumference - 46.5 cm - 70th percentile
Both of my girls seem to have small bodies and big heads! Ha! :)
Poor Alexa had to have her 1-year shots today cause we left for KALEO before she actually turned 1, so they wouldn't do them back in May. She was a trooper, but it always is so painful to watch them go from happy to this look of "Mom, what are you letting them do to me???" Always makes me a little sad. :(

Ellie and Alexa have both become pretty avid readers lately! I love looking over to find one of the girls has picked up a book! Ellie has many of them memorized, so it has the appearance that she is actually READING it cause she will have all the words down pat.

This picture was from was from our time in Kentucky! Both of the girls just LOVE to be outside, so when it's too hot or raining, etc... they look longingly at the outdoors! Especially now that Ellie is riding a bike. She'd be outside riding ALL the time if she could!!! (pics of that to come soon!)... But I thought this pic was too cute to pass up. Can't you just feel the sister love? :)

We seem to spend a LOT of time at the kitchen table these days. For two different reasons... Alexa LOVES to eat and so she wants to be eating all the time. Ellie does NOT love to eat, so it takes us forever to get her to focus and get some food down her! Ha! Ellie usually tries to sneak her food to Alexa so she doesn't have to eat it herself. I keep telling Ellie that if she doesn't eat, Alexa will soon be bigger than her!

Another one of Ellie's pasttimes is trying to do everything Mommy does. She will often say "Mommy, I'm copyin' you!" Wow, what a reminder that these little ones watch every move and listen to every word. I want to be a Momma who is worthy to have a little girl walk in my shoes... I know I am far from perfect, but I am thankful that God continues to give me these little reminders...
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