Alexa is almost 8 1/2 months old now and I'm finally getting her 8 month pictures posted! Just a little bit behind these days... Ha! It's been a big month for Alexa as well! I finally started her on solid food (yes, she tasted her FIRST solid after her 8 month birthday...) and she is doing GREAT! So far she has tried peas, squash, sweet potatoes and apples.
She is also becoming more mobile these days... Alexa has definitely been our laid back baby. Not in too much of a hurry to go anywhere at all. Until this month, I could sit her down somewhere and know she would be in the exact same spot when I came back. Those days are quickly fading and she is starting to learn how to move from point A to point B... She still isn't really a roller. She rarely chooses to roll, though I know that she can if she wants to. If I put her to sleep on her belly, I will find her the same way the next morning... But she IS a scooter. More of a "swimmer" I would say. She looks like she is doing the breast stroke when she is laying on her belly on the ground! She is getting very close to crawling, I think! She is starting to get up on all fours, so I think it's just a matter of days! Then life will REALLY change. Ha!
Alexa is still our sweet, sweet cuddly baby! She LOVES to always be with you, cuddling and sleeping on you. She was just thrilled when all of her Grandparents were here visiting and she would take turns napping on each one of them. She definitely went through withdrawal when everyone had to go back home and she didn't get to be held all of the time. She makes you feel so so loved and needed and special. She will look at you with the most precious smile and it breaks her little heart if you walk away from her. She'll turn her head 180 degrees if it means being able to see you and watch what you're doing... She is definitely my little buddy and I (and her Daddy) absolutely ADORE our Alexa Joy...
Alexa and Ellie are getting to be pretty good friends these days too! No one can make Alexa smile like Ellie can. I really do hope that they will be the best of friends. Here are some other fun facts about our 8 month old...
- She is still not a huge sleeper. She takes little cat naps throughout the day and still wakes up at least once at night. I'm still holding out hope that this will change. Though I really don't mind waking up in the night cause I know i get to see her sweet little face...
- Alexa can definitely make her presence known! She has a very high pitched little scream that will get everyones attention! She makes sure she has a voice over her very talkative older sister...
- She is very content and happy. So fun to be around.
- We think that Alexa will be more of our introvert. She loves people, but gets a bit overwhelmed in groups and she seems to really check people out a little more intensely than her sister did.
- Alexa is an observer. She is so alert and watches everything that goes on around her...
- She is saying "Da Da" and other little babbles. She is SURE that she is having a conversation with you!
It's definitely a FUN season... I don't want my baby to grow up. This is really one of my favorite ages. Just wish the days would slow down a bit. Loving our Alexa Joy!
1 comment:
don't worry about the binky and cow- it's ok. she won't go to college with them i'm sure :)
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