I can't write about my firstborn without sharing more about my precious baby! Oh our sweet sweet Alexa Joy! What a GIFT she has been to our family... Look at this beautiful little face!!!
Alexa is my little Mommy's girl, morning person, and laid back cuddler. I am absolutely smitten with her! Alexa and I get some great bonding time every morning while sister is still sound asleep... Usually Alexa wakes up around 6:45am every morning ready for her day to begin! She smiles and talks and kicks her little legs like crazy. Wherever I am, she turns her head to see me. I laugh because if I am behind her, she will tilt her head SO far back just so she can see where I am. She tries not to let me out of her sight for a second...
This has been a big week for Alexa! She rolled over for the very first time on Tuesday. She also discovered her thumb this week and has become quite the thumb sucker, which right now, I think is cute! And today was her first day to really enjoy being in her jumparoo! So, I of course, had to take several pictures to capture the moment!
She's already getting so big and grown up, but all I want is for her to stay my little baby... They sure don't stay that way for long...
Having two girls is more fun than I ever could have imagined in my wildest dreams... Enjoying these days and hoping that God will slow them down just a little, and even more than that, I'm praying that He'll help me remember every precious moment that is passing by... All the trips to the park, the belly laughs, the sweet faces of two little girls sound asleep, the hair bows and cute little outfits, the list goes on... God has been so good to us!
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