Monday, November 17, 2008

4 months old!

Well, she went and did it! Ellie turned 4 months old on Friday. I can't believe how quickly our little girl is growing up...

We had her 4-month check up today and all went well. She was a champ through her shots. Barely even cried this time. What a little trooper! :)

Here are her 4-month stats - this is more for me to refer back to in future months! Not sure if any of you care quite so much! ha!
Height: 25 1/2 inches (89 percentile)
Weight: 14 lbs. 8 1/4 oz (57th percentile)
Head: (60th percentile)

She's long and lean and a movin' machine! She just can't be still anymore. Long gone are the days of our stationary little baby. You have to keep your eye on her or she'll scoot or roll!
Here are some pics from her 4-month birthday (in the purple) and then of our doctor's visit today...


Becky said...

Oh honey, These pictures are just so cute. I can't believe how big and grown up she is sitting in her boppie. Just precious. What a cute little smile she has. Can't wait to see her soon. Love you.


Mandy Gramkow said...

YAY Ellie! Good job growing! And yes...our Ellie's are destined to be friends...too funny that Dr.Duff had two Ellie's in a row pretty much on Monday! So sad we missed you :( It was our first appt, so was pretty long! Ellie hope is just so precious! Those smiles just light up my heart!